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[导读]:本文所有内容由法律领域专业人士“李恩兴”负责编辑,主要解答【外资企业】外汇管理施行细则 一九八三年七月十九日国务院批准 一、为贯彻执行《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》第五章的规定,特制定本细则。 二、《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行......本文有6853个文字,预计阅读时间18分钟。

































Important Notice:

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》.

当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.

This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE


which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State

Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China

Legal System Publishing House.

In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document




Article 1

These Rules are formulated for implementing the provisions of Chapter V of

the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's

Republic of China.

Article 2

In Chapter V of the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the

People's Republic of China, the term "enterprises with overseas Chinese

capital" refers to corporations, enterprises or other economic entities

registered in China with overseas Chinese capital or capital of

compatriots in the Hongkong and Macao regions, and managed independently

or jointly with Chinese enterprises; the term "foreign-capital

enterprises" refers to corporations, enterprises or other economic

entities registered in China with foreign capital, and managed

independently or jointly with Chinese enterprises; the term "Chinese-

foreign equity joint ventures" refers to enterprises jointly established,

owned and run in China by corporations, enterprises, other economic

entities or inpiduals with overseas Chinese capital, capital of

compatriots in the Hongkong and Macao regions or foreign capital and

Chinese corporations, enterprises or other economic entities.

Article 3

For all foreign exchange receipts and payments, enterprises with overseas

Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity

joint ventures must act in accordance with the provisions in the Interim

Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China

as well as these Rules.

Article 4

Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and

Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures shall open Renminbi deposit accounts

and foreign exchange deposit accounts in China with the Bank of China or

its branch banks or any other banks approved by the State Administration

of Foreign Exchange Control or its branch offices, payments and

receipts in these accounts being subject to the supervision of the bank

with which the enterprises have established accounts. When applying for

the opening of the accounts, the enterprises shall submit for verification

their business licenses issued by the State Administration for Industry

and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.

Article 5

The exploration fund and the fund for cooperative development and

cooperative production provided unilaterally by a foreign-capital

enterprise engaged in cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum

resources in China are permitted to be deposited with the agreement of the

Chinese side in a bank, of a foreign country or of the Hongkong or Macao


Article 6

Should they find it necessary to open foreign exchange deposit accounts

with banks abroad or in the Hongkong and Macao regions other than the

accounts opened in accordance with Article 5 of these Rules, enterprises

with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-

foreign equity joint ventures shall apply to SAFEC or its branch offices

for approval. The enterprises concerned shall submit to SAFEC or its

branch offices quarterly statements of payments into and withdrawal from

such accounts within 30 days as of the end of each and every quarter.

Article 7

All foreign exchange receipts of enterprises maintaining foreign exchange

accounts with banks in China in accordance with Article 4 of these Rules,

must be deposited in the said accounts and all their foreign exchange

disbursements incurred in normal business operations can be effected

through these accounts.

Article 8

For the implementation of the petroleum operations specified in their

contracts, the foreign-capital enterprises engaged in cooperative

exploitation of offshore petroleum resources may pay directly outside

China wages, salaries, cost of procurements, various labour costs and

service charges to foreign workers and staff members, foreign

subcontractors and suppliers. The foreign workers and staff members and

foreign subcontractors shall pay taxes on their income derived from China

in accordance with the provisions of the tax law of the People's Republic

of China.

Article 9

Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and

Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures shall submit within the prescribed

time limit to the SAFEC or its branch offices the following statements

with explanatory notes in detail:

Balance sheet as of December 31 of the previous year, profit and loss

statement and statement of receipts and payments of foreign exchange for

the previous year shall be submitted before March 31 of each year, along

with audit reports by accountants registered in the People's Republic of


Budget of foreign exchange receipts and payments for the coming year

shall be submitted before December 1 of each year .

The SAFEC and its branch offices are authorized to request the enterprises

with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-

foreign equity joint ventures to provide information about their business

activities involving foreign exchange, and to check on their foreign

exchange incomes and expenditures.

Article 10

Any currency conversion of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital,

foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures must

be conducted according to the official rates of foreign exchange quoted by

the SAFEC; the export of the products of these enterprises may be dealt

with in accordance with the relevant provisions governing China's foreign

trade exchange conversions.

Article 11

Except where otherwise approved by the SAFEC or its branch offices, the

foreign exchange receipts realized from exports by the enterprises with

overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign

equity joint ventures shall be transferred back and credited to their

foreign exchange deposit accounts with banks in China and the enterprises

shall also go through the procedure of cancelling their commitments for

foreign exchange receipts from these exports.

Article 12

Renminbi shall be used in the settlement of accounts between enterprises

with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises or Chinese-

foreign equity joint ventures on the one hand, and agencies, enterprises

, or inpiduals in

China on the other, except in the following cases:

For products manufactured by these enterprises and sold to Chinese

entities or enterprises engaged in foreign trade which would otherwise

have to import, foreign currencies may be used in pricing and in

settlement of accounts, provided that prior approval by Chinese foreign

trade authorities has been obtained and that agreement on this arrangement

has been reached between seller and buyer; the prices of the products may

be such as to be commensurate with those current in world markets.

If enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital

enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures purchase, for the

sake of production, the commodities to be exported or imported by Chinese

entities engaged in foreign trade, foreign currencies may be used in

pricing the said commodities with reference to those current in world

markets and in settlement of accounts, with prior approval of Chinese

foreign trade authorities and arrangement between seller and buyer.

Foreign currencies may be used in pricing and in the settlement of

accounts related to construction work performed by Chinese construction

entities according to contracts, provided that prior approval from the

SAFEC or its branch offices has been obtained.

Other items which can be priced and settled in foreign currencies are

prescribed by the State Council or approved by the SAFEC or its branch


For all transactions which can be priced and settled in foreign currencies

as approved, the receipts and payments may be made through foreign

exchange deposit accounts.

Article 13

Overseas Chinese investors of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital or

foreign investors of foreign-capital enterprises or of Chinese-foreign

equity joint ventures may apply to the banks with which they have opened

accounts for remitting abroad their profits as well as other justified

earnings after taxation, by debiting the foreign exchange deposit accounts

of the enterprise concerned. At the time of application, the investors

concerned shall submit for examination the written decision on profit

distribution adopted by the board of directors or by another organ of

power equivalent to the board of directors, documentary evidence showing

that all taxes have been duly paid as well as the contracts containing

stipulations with regard to the distribution of profits or earnings.

Overseas Chinese investors of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital or

foreign investors of foreign-capital enterprises or of Chinese-foreign

equity joint ventures shall apply to the SAFEC or its branch offices for

transferring their foreign exchange capital abroad by debiting the foreign

exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned.

Article 14

Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and

Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures engaged in cooperative exploitation

of such resources as offshore petroleum and coal, and in other contractual

or equity joint ventures, whose capital is to be recovered and profits to

be realized in kind as stipulated in their contracts, may transport out of

China the products as their shares of recovered capital and realized

profits, but such enterprises shall remit back the amount of tax to be

paid in the People's Republic of China as well as other required payments.

If the products are to be sold within China, the case shall be handled in

accordance with provisions of Article 12 of these Rules, and the foreign

exchange proceeds derived from these sales may be remitted out after

taxation and other required payments.

Article 15

Staff members and workers of foreign nationality and those from the

Hongkong and Macao regions employed by enterprises with overseas Chinese

capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint

ventures may remit abroad their wages and other justified earnings, after

taxation according to law, and if the remittance exceeds 50% of their

wages and other earnings, they may apply to the SAFEC or its branch

offices. The amounts remitted shall all be debited to the foreign exchange

deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned.

Article 16

Foreign exchange expenses required in the normal business operations of

the branches or offices abroad or in the Hongkong and Macao regions set up

with the approval of competent authorities by enterprises with overseas

Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity

joint ventures may be remitted to these branches or offices, debiting to

the foreign exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned, with

the approval of the SAFEC or its branch offices.

Article 17

Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises,

and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures may borrow foreign exchange

directly from banks or enterprises of foreign countries or of the Hongkong

and Macao regions, but they must report such borrowing to the SAFEC or its

branch offices for the record.

Article 18

Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and

Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures winding up operations in accordance

with legal procedures, shall carry out liquidation within the scheduled

period, under the joint supervision of China's finance, taxation and

foreign exchange control authorities. Overseas Chinese investors or

foreign investors shall be responsible for their taxes due and their

outstanding liabilities within China. After completion of the liquidation,

overseas Chinese investors and foreign investors may apply to the SAFEC or

its branch offices for remitting out the funds owned by or distributed to

them. And the remittance shall be debited to the foreign exchange accounts

of the liquidated enterprises.

Article 19

The measures to control foreign exchange receipts and payments of banks

with overseas Chinese capital, banks with foreign capital, Chinese-foreign

equity joint banks and other financial institutions shall be formulated by

the SAFEC separately.

Article 20

These Rules shall be promulgated and put into effect by the SAFEC upon

approval of the State Council.


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