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[导读]:本文所有内容由法律领域专业人士“梁一非”负责编辑,主要解答澳大利亚公民、永久居民或合格的新西兰公民(Australian citizen and Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand Citizen)可以担保其被抚养子女、领养子女、继子女或是孤儿亲属移民澳大利亚(Dependent......本文有2393个文字,预计阅读时间6分钟。

  澳大利亚公民、永久居民或合格的新西兰公民(Australian citizen and Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand Citizen)可以担保其被抚养子女、领养子女、继子女或是孤儿亲属移民澳大利亚(Dependent child,adopted child,step child or orphan relative)。

  一、被抚养子女移民(Dependent child)

  被抚养子女是指未满18岁而且没有订婚或者配偶的子女。如果申请人被抚养子女已超过25岁以上,除非他们是因残疾、全职学习而仍依赖他们担保人或提名父母的抚养,否则不能以此类别提出申请。凡年满18岁以上的被抚养子女,必须从未有过配偶或订婚的情况,此外,如果是25岁以下,是全职学生、未曾工作,因残疾不能工作仍依赖父母抚养者除外。至于孤儿亲属也不能有配偶、并在其提出申请时未满18岁;如果是在澳大利亚境内提出申请,其提名人必须在提名他们以前已在澳大利亚居住2年以上(Generally,the child must be under 18,but may be under 25 if a full-time student and dependent on their sponsoring or nominating parent.The only exception to the age limit and full-time requirement is where the child has a disability which stops them from working.)。



  二、养子女移移民(Adopted child)

  养子女移民申请是指澳大利亚公民、永久居民或合格的新西兰公民所领养的未满18岁子女或者即将领养的子女根据有关规定提出的移民申请。凡是在其父母成为澳大利亚公民、永久居民或合格的新西兰公民之前即被领养者,不能申请这类签证;但是可以在被抚养子女类别下提出申请。(The child must have been adopted or be in the process of being adopted by an Australian citizen,permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen and must be sponsored by that person.he child must be under 18.)。


  三、孤儿亲属移民(Orphan relative)

  孤儿亲属必须未满18岁,而且没有父母照顾他们。他们可以由澳大利亚公民、永久居民或合格的新西兰公民亲属提名或者担保移民澳大利亚,该亲属可以是小孩的兄弟、姐妹、祖父母、叔舅姑姨或者侄子、侄女、外甥、外甥女(或是同等亲的继养亲属)。该亲属必须提供经济担保。(The child must be under 18 and no parent to care for them.They must be sponsored or nominated be a relative who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.The relative must be either the child's brother or sister,sister, grandparent,aunt or uncle,or niece or nephew(or step equivalents).An assurance of support must be provided)。




  第一部分 申请概况(Application overview)


  1有多少名家庭成员(How many family members)

  2申请的种类:在下列三项中选择一顶,被抚养子女、孤儿、养子女(Dependent child,Orphan relative and Adoption)

  第二部分 子女详情(Child details)


  1子女姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地、国籍、婚姻、居住国(Child's full name,name in their own language or script,sex,date of birth,place of birth,which country is the child a citizen,country of current residence)

  2子女护照号码、护照签发国、护照签发日、到期日、护照签发地(Details form the child's passport)

  3子女婚姻状况、目前居住地、通讯地址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件(current marital status,child's residential address,address for correspondence,child's telephone number,fax number,email address)

  4是否授权澳大利亚移民部与您或您指定的代理人联系(Do you agree DIMA to contact you,or a person you have nominated)?

  5子女母语、英语水平、其他语言(Child's main language,how well does the child's communication in English? Other languages the child read, understands,speaks and writes fluently)

  6子女移民后准备在澳大利亚哪个州居住(Where does the child intend to live in Australia)

  第三部分 准备移民子女的18岁以下子女、其他被抚养者和家庭成员


  1准备移民子女的18岁以下被抚养者(包括在申请内)的姓名、出生年月日、性别、居住地、国籍(Details of all the child's dependents under 18 years of age who are included in this application)

  2被抚养者是否在准备移民子女的照顾和法律监护下(Are all the children in the child's care and legal custody)?

  3其他人对被抚养者是否进行照顾和法律监护(Does any other person have custodial ,access or guardianship rights to any of these children)?

  4被抚养者是否结婚或者订婚(Are any of these children married or engaged to be married)?

  5准备移民子女的18 岁以下被抚养者(不包括在申请内)的姓名、出生年月日、性别、居住地、国籍(Details of all the child's dependents under 18 years of age who are not included in this application)

  6准备移民子女的其他被抚养者(包括在申请内)的姓名、出生年月日、性别、居住地、国籍(Details of other dependents)

  7准备移民子女的父母、兄弟姐妹、子女的姓名、出生年月日、性别、居住地、国籍(Details of other family members)

  第四部分 健康和品格(Health and character)


  1是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)。病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(Has the child,or any other person,included in this application,ever had or have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?

  2受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application ,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease (including mental illness),condition or disability?

  3是否服过兵役(Has he child,or any other person ,included in this application or not ,ever served in the armed forces)?

  4如果在过去曾申请过澳大利亚签证,请提供申请的年月、申请地点、申请的签证类别、是否获得签证等详情(Has the child or any other dependent family members (migrating with child or not)previously been to Australia ,held or currently hold a visa for travel to ,or stay in,Australia?Provide the details)

  5过去10年中居住超过12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years? Dates lived there)

  第五部分 申请人的详情(Application details)


  1子女是否 18岁或 18岁以上(Is he child 18 or over)?

  2子女的中学教育情况,是否在接受高等教育,如果是,请提供院校的名称、地址、学制、学生号、开始学习日期和预计结束日 期(Details of he child's secondary education.Is the child currently undertaking a post course of study leading to a grade,vocational or professional qualification)?

  3子女目前是否在工作,如果是,请提供雇主的名称、地址、开始工作的日期、每周工作小时、每周收入(Is the child currently employed?If yes,give details,including name of address of employer, date commenced,number of hours worked per work and weekly earnings in local currency)

  4子女以前工作单位的名称、地址、行业、工作起始日期、每周工作小时、每周收入、职位(Give details of he child's previous employment history including name of address of employer,date commenced,number of hours worked per work and weekly in local currency)

  5子女的主要经济来源(the child's main source of financial support)

  第六部分 需要补充的其他信息(Additional information)


  1根据实际情况,填写自己认为需要补充说明的信息(Additional information)

  2在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关人士的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号、是否收费(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you chrged a fee for this help)?


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